Aluminium Windows:- Pros, Cons & Advice
Aluminium as a material has continued to increase in popularity over the last few years. It’s a strong material that can therefore benefit from ‘slim sightlines’, thinner frames and therefore a larger glass area compared to UPVC.
It can be easily made in almost any colour, and lends itself to the increasingly popular industrial style that has swept through home improvements, particularly for extensions and home renovations, in the last few years.
But it does struggle in one important aspect, that of thermal efficiency. Although, as you’d expect, aluminium windows are compliant with modern building regulations, they often fall short of the high standards you would typically achieve with UPVC frames. Another downside of Aluminium is that it would typically be a much more expensive solution compared to UPVC.
There are many factors to consider when considering Aluminium windows for your home. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss a project further.

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